Copy Of Teen Angels Old issues are highly collectable and still have many of them that my dad gave me.
Slurs are dirty words and sometimes they tend to be embraced by the very people that they are supposed to target. I used the phrase of a ink whore to encompass many definitions across the board. I would use it to describe my ex-boyfriend Adam's boner for getting tattoo, which would lead to me being cut off from sex for at least a few hours. I would use it to describe girls witht he standard center split pin curls and the ever present red rose whom act like tattoo artists are just like designers, regardless if they were well known or not. The dude that just wants his full body done in a hurry. Or the Groupie whom fucks tattoo artists to get free work. I've met them all and I love the word.
So my new t-shirt design is being made as we speak and the cool dudes at Photo Fit whom do a few of my friends stuff do quality work. Long lasting durable and virtually have done all my stuff since I came to London in 1998. I am particular about t-shirts as I wear them till my pits are eaten away. and I love them even more. T-shirts are the new calling card for most people and it also gives people a small view into the fathoms of a person, simply by the shirt they wear. Not to mention it is great and free promotion.

So I did a Chicana peering through a keyhole inked and the slur Whore. This was done on the slight verge of Prison Peña Art. This is based on the chicano style of my uncles and cousins who've spent shit loads of time locked up and the art i grew up looking at. As my uncle Gilbert is locked away on the three strikes your out scheme.
He was always sending my dad stuff he drew and then there were the Teen Angels, to which I still own. There is a front design and there is a back design too. Stay tuned for the finished item. Bags will be done as well and will be purchased through the shop and or the digital online store. Keep an eye out.

Above is are standard linen handkerchiefs with bic biro pens that are sold sometimes in craft gatherings. Prisoners would make crafts in order to get money on their books in order to buy personal items from the prison canteen.