50.) Brick Lane Biegel: By far the best east end biegel in the world. I have been here out after a night out on the piss and virtually at dawm for the market on Brick Lane. Legend has it that Mariah Carrey tried to cut in line early one morning and the cockney birds behind the counter were not having any of it and made her wait hr turn 25 minutes at it's busiest time. Mornings. Favorite; Hot salt beef with french mustard and pickle. Bren loves the cheese cakes and I love their brownies. Cheap as chips.

49.) Portobello Market: I have found some really cool stuff on the market . Everything from clown paintings, leather guido jackets for a fiver and antique scissors for my shop. Virtually two blocks from my door step. And I love to haglle and get me 15 sheckle's worth.

48.) Hampstead Heath: I love when the sun is out and going up to the heath for a picnic. And I kow you all heard about the sex that goes on up there, and it does. Yet I truly love going to Parliment hill and watching people fly kites and seeing the sprawling
view of London. It is just amazing. Joleene will runn her little legs off and I have fallen asleep under a tree with Bren at my side after a picnic, to make me forget I live in a busy city. Then off to the King William pub for some proper scrumpy on ice.

47.) The Traditonal pagentry that England has can be seen anywhere on the streets in central London. It really is quite spectacular and a reminder of it's pride and history.

46.) Brighton: Knowing that the sea is virtually about an hour and ten minutes on the train is a relief and kind of like having London by the sea. London is to Los Angeles what Brighton is to San Francisco. Very gay populated and the people here are more chill and you can see the victorian influence San Francisco got from this place. Plus one of my favorite clothing stores is here and I always check out what the have at Jump The Gun. A truly great sister city and a easy getaway.

45.) Black Cabs in London: A necessary evil in London in my opinion. I like to jump in and watch the city pass me by with my ipod on and think. Looking out and seeing the Embankment and the sights and people pass me by. I truly enjoy the solitude when I am alone in a cab.

44.) The birtish eccentircs: When I left Hollywood and Silver Lake I missed the weird and wonderful people of the streets and seen some crazy stuff. Nothing prepared me for the Britsh eccentric. Sharp, witty, ever so bitchy and if I may so so, very smart and can hold a conversation in 0-60. are they crazy or just plain nuts. no they are just English.
They don't give a fuck and go by there own rules. Proper.

43.) The Churches: Although I am not religious and don't believe in god, much to the chagrin of my family. That does not mean that I can not appreciate the architecture of some of the most amazing cathedrals and churches in the city. Breath taking but they can give Paris a run for there money in some respects.