There are certain songs that shape you while growing up and then take a sharp left and have a different significance when they bring an exact memory. Once when I was a make-up artist for most porn studios, I was doing make up for Jasmine St. Claire whom was under contract with John T. Bone was in the chair while I was doing her make up and discussing our upcoming trip to The CES show The Consumer Electronics annual show and the AVN Awards that I worked virtually every year. Friends were going to stay with me in my hotel room and that also meant bar happing and making the rounds to strip clubs. My straight friends to;d me I was going to get a lap dance there at Cheetah's while in town.
I told Jasmine that I never had a lap dance before and was pretty close with most of the girls I new at Jumbo's Clown Room in Hollywood and Cheetah's and spent loads at Crazy Girls.
So Jasmine said she always wanted to give me a lap dance and I said sure, why the hell not. Being that jasmine used to work as a dancer in clubs she had the routine down. She asked me if I wanted "Tits or Ass"? I requested both and she then took a out a cassette in her purse from one of her own shows and put it in my ghetto blaster. Sit down and Def Leopard "Photograph" began
playing. Jasmine started and whipping her hair and making her sultry face and she fucking worked me hit hey full body. The guys whom were in the next room came over and watched. I preferred tits over ass. hit just felt better in my opinion. Then Shyla Foxx gave me one right after Jasmine was done.
. It was pretty cool and now when I hear that song I always think of the time I got a lap dance for free and from two actual porn stars, FOR FREE. I did spend a hell of alot of time in strip bars when I was younger, I had more fun in them than i did gay bars as the people were just friendlier and there was no prentense and the drinks were always stronger. Ahh memories.
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