Yeah I said it and god damn it I'll say it again. Oh My Fucking God! Yesterday was the annual Value Voters Summit, where really unactractive people converged in D.C. to discuss such hot topics as how to hold grudges against slutty girls whom decide to have abortions. Why those pesky homosexuals actually dress better than their conservative straght counterparts. Real meat and potatos kind of subject matters and world events, such as Thugocracy: Fighting the Left Wing Conspiracy. Which to me translate to, "SHIT: God damn it all the way to hell, how do we get that menacing black man out of office". Others topics were, Silencing The Christians. Well one way to silence a christian conservative is to stick a dick in his mouth and that outta do it. To lighten the mood two guys took to selling Obama Waffels for "change you can taste", yet were then asked to leave as some felt the boxes were racist. Racists at a conservative convention? They hell you say!

I mean the uptight commitee was in full effect. It's amazing that reports of no furniture being sucked up through ones own ass was not reported. I am saying this because this moral majority is so fucking anally retentive. But on the bright side some gay ho strolls were probably making many benji's while the conference was on. Then again maybe not. It's always these sons of bitches that are the biggest cocksuckers. They oppose gay marriage and any kind of homosexuality of any sort, but for some god forsaken reason can't resist getting blown by male prossies in toilets of truck stop toilets somewhere in the vacinity of Hobiken... I made that last part up but you know it's true.
Still with these up tight people complaining that the news junkets covering The Tight Ass Conservative Bake Sale and Bitch Session, need to have a dose of the current trend that is taking America by storm, slapping the taste out of a complete stranger.
It wouldn't suprise me if a few Ku Klux Klan memebrs made it under the radar, as this conference is just fucking as lopsided as a Puerto Rican Tranny's ass filled with Bathroom Sillicon Filler. After all these conservatives don't live in a world where Ms. Prejean is Miss USA, or that god forbid that black men get into high seats of power. In reality they live in a world where gays suck a dick in 0 to 60 and can adopt a baby, where Ms. Carrie, "how dare my religious veiws cost me a crown" Prejean is nothing more than a Former Ms. California. Ironically this convention is simply preaching to the perverted. And yet they want to know how to get their country back? How can I say this you ask? Because this is a summit that isn't actually getting to a deeper understanding of world issues and events that are drastically changing and shaping the world we live in today. They are just bitter cause they simply forgot the memo, or never got the message that Sir Bigotry and Senora Uptight values are simply just as outdated and repressive to the missinformed and the ignorant. Plus this must have been one ugly and boring bunch, ever look at conservatives and realize just how unattractive they are, well perhaps if the lady hiked her skirt up abit, maybe show a little more cleavage. As for dick wadd, he might want to rethink that comb over and poly blend suit.
If your going to do this, you should go full throttle. I think they should have done it up right. Whip out the burning crosses, show the Grand Dragons, have the dueling banjo's, and make a list of everyone whom they think will burn in hell. (At least for this year) Come on give us some show. Other Carrie Prejean seriously trying in vain to believe her own speech, she should have been foaming at the mouth, like they do on Jerry Springer. Ok, the spliff is kicking in.. I will shut up now.
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