I bitch, I moan and I will always complain. Hell Yeah I said it, and god damn it I will type it again. But when I shut up, it's magic. St. Barnibus sings and a flurry of seraphim's join in a choir. This especially happens at the movies. Now I love the movie going experience, but I hate people sitting next to me and bogarting the arm rest. I know, How Rude! Especially since I was here first. So I have my modus operandi in how to get those pesky shrill people away from my seat, So if you see my mouthing the words to La Bamba coming down the aisle with my pop corn and splendour, be warned.
I am happy that summer season in London always gets me in a more novel mood to something different. Stuff like being nice, saying hello to strangers, or not run over small children with my bike. There is something that gets me feeling the summer vibe and places a smile on my rhinoceros black leather heart. So it brought a smile to my face when I found out about the Pop Up Cinema in Portobello virtually staggering distance from my house. Showing the finest in independent cinema, block busters, and cutting edge cinema will house the Notting Hill Film Festival this year. Virtually using the same space as last years One Foot In The Grove by Mutate Britain.
Entry is a pay what you can afford basis, yet is suggested that if you can pay a £4.00 for a donation, it's still better than going to a multi plx filled with fucking brats talking on there mobile phones during a film. Next week is a double bill of The Sex Pistols Documentary w/ Who The Fuck Is Pete Doherty. Being that I know Pete, I will say he's a lovely guy, simply lost. So I may give that one a miss. Upcoming Feature I would love to see is Cinema Pardiso which will be the closing film of the Summer Of Love theme running this month at the Pop up. The pop Up will be running till the end of October and is under the Westway Just across from Portobello Green. Do check it out if you can.
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