No I still do not like this Tranny Caca Poopoo person and don't think I will change my mind anytime soon. Yet my old pal over in Los Angeles has come up with a stroke of Genius where he's place a spin on the "it Get's Better" campaign. Born This Way is a collection of 1st accounts of gay and lesiian people from all over the globe retelling their expieriences coming to terms with acceptance and all it encompases. In virtually three months it has become a runway success and gone viral. My favorites are the pictures as some of them are truly sweet, touching and very funny.
Paul has done a ace job and he should be praised as this now has become his main priority and it has pretty much taken over his days. You can donate to the cause to help teens understand and share your own stories too. I did so by donating $10.00 and to sweeting the pot you can read my bery own submission here. Check it out.
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