Kat thought she lucked butch niext to the other girls. At least she's not wearing flannel.
At the end of January was a busy month for us at the shop as we loaded a van and headed to the seaside city of Brighton for our third time at the 4th Annual Brighton Tattoo Convention. So yours truly Grouchy Groucherson, Pappy Happening (JImbo), A Train (Adam), Kat, Matteo and the apprentice Dan. We had a record turn out and really enjoyed the trip and the weekend. We pulled the shit together and we rocked the booth. I am really happy the guys got it together and we shined as a team.
Jimbo Is not amused.
Dan the apprentice working his very first attoo convention.
I ended up locked out of my hotel roon nude after a night drinking with the guys. Long Story don;t ask> But I and the gang will be back next year fro sure.
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