I am often teased by my assistant as being a coniving evil trickster. Toot toot hey beep beep! But every so often I actually do something nice. This shocks some people as they start to question the theory of relativity and try and remember if they took their daily medication. So yeah I can also be a do-gooder. Yet I am no tree hugging hippie who bathes in Patchouli & Sandlewood oils, and I am not about to bust out with male Ugg boots or Birkenstocks. So you can put your hippie strength mace away. I recently joined The People's Supermarket as a member and joined the Marketing commitee. As a business owner myself, I know what it like to struggle to make a business work and it takes blood, sweat and fucking tears.
The purpose of the The People's Supermarket is to promote fair trade to all and it's members providing locally sourced foods and vegetables as well as organic that are virtually at the threat of extinction due to supermarket chains. The Big chains have a strangle hold on the farmers whom provide most foods we eat in this country and virtually place them in threat of phasing them out of business. Flowers are sold that are not flown in from other countries and foods are delievered straight from the suppliers themselves. This Co-Op is a member run and feuled innitiative, for the people by the people. This is not a new appraoch to supermarket
Paying a small joining fee, you are the required to do four hours of work within the store a month and you recieve a 10% discount.
What I find really enjoyable is that the people are friendly and that you are apart of doing something positive and helping local and small buiness while sticking the finger to the big chain supermarkets. I have to say that the produce at the People's supermarket is very lovely and I actually enjoy cooking the food I purchase as does my partner. Although he is not a member he supports the ideology of the store. He just doesn't have four hours a month to volunteer his time.
There are big plans for the store and it's quickly approaching it's 1st year anniversary. You can visit the supermarket and buy products that spa high end, mid range to standard basic foods that most households have, In anycase it's worth a visit and be apart of something positive. productive and good. Everytime I buy something I honestly feel I have made the right choice. I am not only helping the environment, and the local farmer just trying to make a honest living, but getting involved with the people of London and that is absolutely priceless. The store is quite easy to get to and would encourage anyone who lives in London to give it a vistit.

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