Some of you may know that I love love love my horror films. Frighteningly so, well at least to my former shrink who does not want to be in the same room with me without his supervisor present. Yeah like I'm going to bust out a chainsaw and start slicing the bitch. Anyhoo, I have been working with the fine writer and great friend Jimbo James Anthony over at Fuck Yeah Horror where i give my two cents and then some on my movie collection and opinions on the genre so dealy loved by many.
The site has gone through a reboot all while jimbo also doubles as a refferee to London'd Roller Derby. He's got alot on his plate and was impressed with the reboot and I am sure that there is plenty of ideas he's scoping out to give the site a grand push. Complete with pictures, previews and reviews from his stable staff writers including me, the site is still in ythe process of growing so make sure to check it out. as well as my review on Galaxy Of Terror and the notorius Maggot Rape Scene.
I do enjoy writing for him as he just lets me ramble and then edits what I put down for you all to enjoy. Plus that dude is always a blast to hang with and throw a few drinks back with. The can hold his own against me and that's really saying something.
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