I am not really a fan of Tranny GaGa or Lady Caca, or whatever get up she's wearing this week. I give her props cause she actually has talent and can write a song from a piano. But there will be snow caps on the hill tops of hell before I run out and buy, download a cd or song of her's.

So last night I had a nightmare of Lady Tranny Gaga Caca coming after me with her back up dancers and those costumes she wears. It was inescapable. They broke out in song at the weirdest places, Watitrose, Portobello Market, my shop, Liverpool Street Station, they were fucking everywhere. I felt like Homer Simpson flee Ned Flanders and his hymn singing family.
So I by accident I found this and found it quite funny. Gay Geeks gone hot and wild about Nuetraface, guess Helvetica has a run for its money now. I have to say it was very well put together than the original, besides you always gotta watch out for them quiet ones, they're so nasty, but in a good way.
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