I never saw the film Factory Girl as I was a rabid Andy Warhol buff and kneeled at the church that is Edie Sedgwick. When Lou Reed said it was basically a piece of shit I had to concur. Why argue with Lou Reed, made sense to me. So I find myself at the road of uncertainty with the new Runaways bio flick. Ok, one: todays kids don't listen to The Runaways or know who Cherie Currie is. Secondly: I have a problem with Dakota Fanning, as most films I have seen her in shown on cable suck Rhinoceros dicks. Sacrilege. I love Joan Jett but make with the rug munch and lets get the show on the road. I love the Runaways and seeing that Lita Ford, Jackie Fox, nor Mikki Steel the original line up were not involved, and the bassist in the film is a fictionalised version, that is it for me. To be fair I love most of Floria Sigismondi's video and photographic work, but I am still unsure.

I would say watch The Mayor Of Sunset Strip to get a better idea and read Cherie Currie's book Neon Angel. Michael Steel didn't really want to be part of the slutty jail bait ideology, so she split. I would only be interested how they make Kim Fowley look, as there are tall tales in many a tome about this man. So in ode to this great band I will play my favourite song Dead End Justice. If you want to know what is going on with Cherie Currie, well she made Foxes opposite Jodie Foster and morphed into a Chainsaw Chick .
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