Now I know your thinking Henry, how can you make such a harsh rash judgement? Well, this is how.
Recieved Yesterday and in sequence:
On 8 Feb 2011, at 16:47, Pig Vomit wrote:
Hey there,
My names Rhys Im an artist from New Zealand currently searching for work, so if there is any full or part time work please take a look at my portfolio onhttp://www.IthinkIcansuckmyowndick.com if you're interested please don't hesitate to contact me via email or on 01212ifuckpoo. Thanks for taking the time to have a look.
Warmest regards
I wrote back:
From: henry@henryhate.com
Subject: Re: possible work?
Date: Tue, 8 Feb 2011 17:45:02 +0000
To: rhys_@pigfuckingstupid.com
Hello ryhs
Have I spoken to you??? Have I met you before? My mind is at a stump.
Are you working and where, self taught, apprenticeship? How did yo0u hear of my shop?
Sir Henry Hate
Prick! Tattoos & Piercing
386 Old Street
London EC1v 9LT
0207 729 9545
Hey henry,
Thanks for the reply. No we haven't met before I think, I'm from New Zealand but moved to Australia and started tattooing 3 years ago. I never had an apprenticeship but started from home and ended up in a shitty bikey studio but learnt a lot from tattooing frequently. I'm looking for good gig over until october which is when my visa runs out. I found you guys on the internet and phoned hoping you may have an opening. If theres nothing going I'm gonna book a ticket back to Australia next week. Look foward to hearing from you mate
From: henry@henryhate.com
Subject: Re: possible work?
Date: Wed, 9 Feb 2011 13:41:19 +0000
To: rhys_@pigfuckingstupid.com
Hello Rhys
Unfortunately I do not hire home trained tattoo artists with minimal years behind them. or someone whom calls working in a shop a "gig". I am looking for someone with a few more years under their belt and suited for this shop.
Good luck.
Motherfucker wrote this:
Thanks Henry,
but I also don't work for big ego's that don't have the quality of work to back it up! and home trained or not its the work that counts. I do like however the title you have given yourself ' Henry Hate '! its funny in this industry how the ego's give themselves a nickname to standout because there portfolio don't say sweet fuck all. You could have learned a lot from me mate it's a pity your definitely in need.
Walk the walk before you talk the talk Mr Hate
Good luck to you too my friend
Sir Rhys taught myself
So if i am in such need to fucking learn from someone like him why in the fuck is this punk asking me for a job. I didn't state anything about his work, it was nice, I wasn't bold over, and the guy isn't exactly reforming the circle into something I have never seen. This bitch only confirmed why I will not hire self taught tattoo artists anymore. seriousl This is some bullshit. So fuckwadd if your reading this I am sure that the same people whom you approached were not exactly falling over themselves to have you in their shop. Why cause our attitude sucks. Especially since the bitch approaches tattooing from the aspet of what can I get out of this rather than the other way around. If you are looking for a job you take your lazy ass to the shops and hit the pavement. Seriously and looking at this guy he's not even remotely tattooed to where I feel he has commited himself to the craft. He has the attributes of one of those ungrateful slutty fat kids on MTV they make so many shows about.
I took offence to his use of the word 'gig" but then I wrote this and really thought up to this point I was being civil.
My replu:
Hey Asshole.
You don't fucking cold email people looking for a job or as you stated, gig. Ego or no ego where do you fucking get off. I am not the one whose out of a fucking job. as for my work, I am completely satisfied
with my work and my customers. But thanks for the compliment of me having a ego. Awe shucks. Your home trained approach is evident of why I don't hire home trained tattooists. I have learned from you and only
solidified my belief. You make personal attacks, and your lack of people skills and bullshit approach will only have you tattooing people in a home/house bedroom. So If you think my work is so shit WHY IN THE FUCK ARE YOU ASKING ME FOR A JOB SHITHEAD! BELIEVE IT OR NOT. I will post this in TCGB, See how fucking far you go. Again good luck. So if you excuse me I have to get back to my shitty tattoos and clientelle as you so think.
Now kindly go Fuck your Two cent food stamp whore of a mother.
Seriously I am proud of my ass busting and no fucking punk is going to stop me or my job. So when approaching me, proceed with caution. Cause i ain't the one.
Let it all wash over you :)
Will you hire me? I can only draw pretty birds and lopsided smiley faces...work with me here...
; )
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