Now she claims to have fallen asleep while he tattooed her face. I have had my temporal lobes tattooed and there is no way that ANYONE could fall asleep. Why? Cause the shit hurts like a motherfucker that's why. She said she awoke to a nightmare but this sounds like an alibi that she spoon fed her family to get out of this stupid decision. Three stars should only take twenty minutes at most to do... but this looks as it were stenciled on but I can't imagine this tattoo artist free hand them on and again there is the nerves to the face that would make this highly uncomfortable to sit through, let alone relax.
It's obvious that you have two fuck wits and that spells a recipe for disaster, cause the guy should have known better. But I find that the media are that gullible and naive to think that this chicks story sticks. Bitch should have tattooed "Dumb Bitch!" on her fore head, cause that is what she is. An 18 year old girl asking for a face tattoo WTF! The nerve of that fucking broad. If this happened to me in my shop I would have fired his ass, but I have a beef with certain tatttoo artists whom have this hooker mentality with out any kind of ethics to their work.

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