As the group show for Jason Atomic's currated show at Ressitance Gallery I scour my studio for supplies and inspiration and influence. I have to figure out what I want to say with this little doo dads. So I have concocted a theme of the Bruja (Bru-Ha) which means witch in spanish. So as I was coming over the net looking for reference for my studies. I came across a artists work whom made me stop and look. Named Milk based in Tucson Arizona I was impressed by the works she did. Her work is varied from painting to graphic illustration. BUt while her work did capture me my pieces will not reflect her work.
At present I am lawyered up ,(count em 3, Property, Civil and Immigration) and seeking intelectual property and copyright of some work I did, so to stop some assholes from trying top make money on work I have created. I can appreciate other peoples work without ripping someone off and trying to make a quick buck and claim it as my own. Yet there is a serene quality to Milks work that truly speaks for its' self. Check it out

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