There seems to be a furor over a painting that will go on display next week titled "Age Of Shiva", which is a meant to represent the question of faith during such such episodes as the 7/7 bomb attacks here in London. The painting was done by Mark Sinclair and chosen by renegade Bansky to exhibited during the Marks & Stencils. I really don't see what the fuss is all about, as the only people whom would take offense are those whom actually lost someone during the London bombings. A total of 57 people were killed in the attacks that affected the Edgeware Road and Kings Cross tube stations. The painting it's self is a representation of the number 30 bus with cherubs and a raphelite sky.
However sad the attacks were I don't see the painting itself being disrespectful to anyone in particular. The work is quit striking and the painting has acheived that. The works are on dipsay till December 22nd at 1 Berwick Street in Soho.
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