I write for another blog from time to time and I enjoy the hell out of it. Fuck yeah I do. Jimbo a good friend and client/drinking buddy edits my jammering, and directs the site so it's his baby. He unlike me is a professional journalist, me I am a drop out. journo of the drunk kind. A writer wrties, a good writer drinks and great writers find there ass's at the foot rest of the bar. So At the moment I have to new entries Over at Fuck Yeah Horror, and I am most proud of them. Some people really get all religious about the horror genre and to me I can never take it seriously cause its a fictional movie. But I have listed my Top Ten Horror Rock and Roll Movies Of All Time along with a review of Rec; 2. Opposed to fucking Bloody Disusting, those assholes and tools don't know the difference between a Monster and a fucking Serial Killer/Psycho. Another treat is my review of underated movie Race With The Devil. It may make you laugh or may make you dislike me more, either way just go and check it out. Leave a comment or hit us up with a film you would like to see reviewed.

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