I am not a fan of American football, nor I a fan of European Footie (soccer to the U.S.). I am a rugby fan, Yeah man! Visually it looks better, the aesthetic is more hands on and, the guys are fucking hot. Even the ugly guys are brutish and, excuse me while I hose my self down. I just don't really watch American Sports, it's a first class lesson in boring. However this year there seemed to be all sorts of controversy over commercials and it seemed to have a running theme. Gays VS. Straights, or as I call it the pink pound is mightier than the traditional nuclear family, and The Man wants a piece of the action. Just because he didn't make the killing doesn't mean he can't feed on the carcass. With the current economic climate as it is, the "traditional family" is finding it hard to buy the goods corporate man wants them to purchase. So who is left?
Gay people, most don't have children and have a much larger disposable income, if you do not take into account self righteous lesbians and their damn gifted kids. Makes perfect sense. So Snickers played it with the cock planted firmly in cheek, by giving it a large amount of humour. To appease the gods over at CBS, which to a bunch of disgruntled old ladies, (Ahh Bless) labeled the channel as Corporate Bullshit, by way of shaming them for saying what would pass and what wouldn't. That, and a large amount of money with the hopes of zeroing in on the pink dollar and the pound. With a pro life anti-abortion commercial being touted as acceptable and Man Crunch not, I wondered it if was the whole PR smoke and mirrors effect in play. Hmmm, shrewd move Mr. money grubbing man.
To me even the name Super Bowl sounds gay. Kinda like a contest they'd have at Hardon. Where guys attempt to shove the biggest and largest dildos up their ass's, till they resemble something that can only look like the New Jersey Turnpike. Boring, messy, tedious to watch, and probably seen in a Tijuana bar floor show for a dollar a million times over. Still the gay voice was heard loud and clear. Just think of the ten percent of the Superbowl population. The butt slapping, the mounting, and the physical frottage and man sweat worked up for a full three hours. When it's all over the ceremonial disrobing and lathering up in the locker room. Jesus this could be a porn script of a thousand titles here.
After first seeing this banned commercial for Mancrunch ad submitted for Super Bowl I asked my self. What the hell is in those chips and where can I crab a bag? Hell screw the bag, where can I buy a case. To Costco I go!
1 comment:
Interesting! thanks for sharing this videos.
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