As this is the second post on Dublin I just make my usual observations very brief and let the pictures do most of the talking. But being that I don't speak Gallic and Bren knows some he schooled me on little things like how to say streets and stuff. When I was a little boy I thought Ireland was full of redheads, leprechauns and shelieghlies, and lucky charms that were magically delicious. Yep, still feel the same way. Driving around with so many options was just a whirlwind of places faces and experiences I can never forget. Here are some high lights.

Joleene refusing to get out of the Nissan Cube, comfy car=adventure and a place she's never been before.

Victorian Bathing Shield for Woman, them Irish are a coo koo for religion.

Dublin Taxi Cab driver likes the Cube, Word!
My guy has some killer taste in music. Records from his teen years.

Me In Bren's family home where he was raised. It took 7 1/2 years to get here but so worth the wait. His Mam as a young woman on the mantel. she was hot!

Saw this graffiti in Dun Laoghaire (pronounced Doon Leer-hah), and pooch posed for the photo! Classic.

Bren's mam and her grave, I only spoke to her on the phone along with his father. I got emotional at the site cause this was not my first choice of how I wanted to meet them. Still I am glad I got to see them regardless.

Some Ham

Sisters got the blues, and said I had a funny accent. I forgot I was in Dublin.

The most glamourous place in Dublin city center.

Chick didn't seem to like the car by the expression on her face. Shit I ain't the one walking.

Either purple is a favourite colour for woman in Ireland, or some ugly ass clothes were on sale.

Bren's family Church where he went as a good little boy, Long before I came along. His parent church was built in 1889 and there family home in 1908.

Me touching holy water. Suprisingly i didn't burst into flames going into the church.

A hair don't doing a hair do, AKA Dublin's Crazy Crimper.

Hooty Mcboob in an Irish Pub, I guess when Marks & Spencer wanna sell something, they stick it in the front window.

All I am saying is I am never drinking Jameson, Sambucca or Guinness Slammers ever again. Ouch! We had a fun night with his brothers. Relax we took a taxi!
The cube on Sandymount, the little car that's like the tardis of Doctor Who. Taking a break from the long haul.
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