At the Doncaster convention I couldn't escape the stupidest haircuts on the planet. They were around every corner and I couldn't get away from them. A girl approached me to talk at the bar and telling me how she liked my work and asked what type of music I liked. I gave her a small sample list of varied favorites till she shocked the fuck out of me. Seriously my jaw dropped. Waiffish, petite and covered in more tattoos than her 21 years should ever allow. But she spat, " I don't know who David Bowie is and just don't get it!' to which I was insensed. I looked straight at her and told her. "I should take that fucking studded belt of yours and beat you with it," She reasoned she was emo.. and that was her excuse.
Ok so being an Emo gives you a fucking open door policy to have a bullshit haircut and crap taste in music. Any moron in hysterectamy pants with chopped comb over can scream how unfair the world is and just doesn't understand them. Emo, can suck donkey dicks for all I care.
Evanesence= She sounds like Heart, with a girl whom has cankles the size of Florida and will eventually balloon like Ann Wilson of Heart. She will just look like a goth version of Carnie Wilson from Wilsomn Phillips.
Dashboard Confesional=Who gives a fuck about their confessions as they are a chore to listen to, I would rather blow George Bush than have to listen to this drivel.
Fall Out Boy and those pussies Jimmy Eat World should be sued for noise pollution and those fucking retarded albums they make, or as I like to call them liquid discs of shit.

It's bad enough that these stupid girls sing aliong to songs that portray women as venomous shrill toxic harpies with nothing better to do than to emasculate a guy whom has no dick or balls. But even worse that they walk around in what can only be described as a fucking come over.
So they glamourize suicide and talk about the pain of how nobody understands them in their dark void and hours of need somerwhere in their midweek life crisis. They all look alike and for a bunch of miserable cunts they sure like to cut themselves and preach the virtues of being pure and chaste. In my day we called them fucking wusses and pussies. Further more can we have like a national day where if you see a Emo mong you are here by free to kick them firmly in there ever flat asses!
There should be a national task force in every country to shave their heads and wipe the eye liner from their eyes or even worse I would fucking cornrow their heads. I have a confession to make that when i see these little shits sitting at shows on floors I harbour a deep fantasy to want to step on their fingers cause they are that annoying. I don't, but so want to. I swear they look like sheep. To me it's nothing more than watered down goth for pussies. It's understandable why some of them look so miserable, i would too if I had to walk around with a fucked up hair cut and jeans that split my balls in two.
Boys kissing boys, girls looking like their boyfriends? Can anyone see that the emporer has cum stains and holes in his underwear? Still I will never understand a subculture that embraces being a emotionaly frail as some sort of heavy cross thats cool to bare,

Like Scientology these peoples drive way doesn't hit the house nor the street. Emo is to close to Elmo and thats what these kids look like. Sad Puppets.

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