Being that I have been busy I forgot to write a little bluurb about the stupidest artist on the fucking planet. It appears tha some guerrila posters have been making the rounds in Los Angeles and one has appeared in Atlanta. And once again the race card creeps it's ugly head in the burough of Smell A. I have nothing against Angelino's any more, but come on it always seems like the race card has been played more times than the first act of South Pacific at Saddleback High School. Black people move into Russian Jew Fairfax District, someone get the race card. Pro athlete with a history of beating his wife and alleged to have killed her. Damn it, get the fucking race card. Hoped up crack head and Pcp lover beat up and tazed the fuck out by LAPD, get the race card. Michael Jackson can't help but grope young ethnic boys of a certain look, alert the town council and while your at it, yup, get the race card. People in LA are starting to sound like those sons of bitches whom used to set off fire alarms in school for fun.
So to the "Artist" whom made these posters, Hey asshole do your homework. And another thing, you might want to take your sorry ass to different parts of the planet to truly understand "socialism". America seems to think (and yes I am going to generalize Americans) that Socialism in all forms is just a gateway to Communism, Fascism and any other stupid ism that the American government wants the people to think is impending doom. Well if your ass was run over by a bus you would want some socialist hospital care and pronto. Me personally I like the posters cause it was probably made by some stupid vapid white suburban moron with long blond hair and glasses. This dumb fuck probably wears a pony tail and drops refferences of "the man" more times than he will ever get the chance to get laid.
The poster doesn't make sense on a practicle level and it should have said something to make people really fear what might happen. Like, "Do as I say or I will set Hillary you on your mother fucking ass!" But I do feel the NHS is far superior than what the U.S. has and that ain't shit. Compared to insurance premiums and health costs and the prevelant greed that is rampant in Capitolist America... Nothing wrong with money I fucking love it... I am always singing,,, you got's to have J.O.B. if you wanna be with me! But still that idiot is a novice at dropping. You know where you go and place stuff that will rile people and not know what to do.. I did some artwork and posted it on a Brotherhood website. I should also mention that it was a blood and honor skinhead site and those bitches threw a hissy fit that Richard Simmons would be proud of. Talk about getting your panties in a bunch. Still they missed the point of skinheads actually listened to Dub and Reggae.. BUt I say give Obama a chance, as I was a dyed in the wool Hillary supporter, I think Obama has alot of ground to cover and doing the best he can considering the current situation.

But I do think that it's ok to satirize political figures with a messaege as long as a point is made or there is a lane of humour to it. What's wrong with that? So I will finish this with a song to the gay skinheads and the cheap seats in the back.. 1.2..3.4!
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