Upon the first arrival of American Apparel I met it with welcome arms, sure in theory the whole idea sounded great, but the Rohyphinal has worn off and am starting to see this "brand " as bullshit. Not everyone can live in the world of Uber Dork Dov Charney! And besides, what kinda god awful name is Dov Charney anyways. Let's face facts the guy looks like he hangs out in bushes to get a peak at woman's camel-toes. He looks like the kinda guy who sniffs dirty under wear, and not the kind just worn with a faint waft of perfume if you know what I mean. Well American Apparel sucks big dick and i can say this because I have been sucking dick long before it became fashionable.

Dov seems to think that the clone image of 70's porn, looks good on people under the age of say 23 whom are susceptible to eating disorders or slightly malnourished. I have issue with this fucker charging me £38.00 for a plain cotton t shirt. At that price I'd like my dick sucked. With whispers of several sexual harassment cases brought up, topped with the news of the supposed firing of anyone whom he deemed beating with the "ugly stick", the world of AA looks quite bland and lack luster.
So I have cooked up some reasons why people should stop wearing American Apparel.
1.) Dov Charney was beaten with an ugly stick. Unlike Terry Richardson whom has talent and personality, enough to get people to take off there actual clothes. Dov is a far cry from the pretension his adds emit. Soft core Porn.. if he had balls he's use every and any one to sell his clothes.
2.) Bullshit myspace bands bragging they use AA t-shirts to promote their shit music. You are hereby hence fourth not allowed to use such stupid tactics to make your band sound cool, ethical or even current. How many knock off crap bands does the world need to sound like The Shit Strokes, Crap Kassabian, and every other sensitive bullshit ponytail guy rock and roll band, you pussy!
3.) The clothes for girls when put together make them look like two dollar whores on a Florida road side. The guys clothes. see number 2.
4.) American Apparel is starting to branch out like other shit stores like the CRAP (GAP). Regardless of it's anti sweat shop ethic, its spreading around faster than a photo of a hairless Brittany Spears minge photo.
5.) The adds are rather dull and a little late in the cutting edge factor.. Come on hoe about some serious tea bag action or even squeeze a tit for god's sake. Or even full penetration. Especially from a guy whom is known to date his co-workers and had a free love ethic.. It would not surprise me if his offices didin't have a in house VD clinic.
6.) Dov Charney Looks like a dude whom jacks off in bushes, I should know I can smell my own kind.
7.) Some if his newest creations are so fucking ugly. They were ugly in the 70's and 80's, and they are just as uglier now, even more so because they are made by this asshole.
9.) He's Canadian... Joining the ranks of Celine Dion, Avril what her fucking face, Bryan Adams, and Alanis Morrishit! Not COOL!

10.) I don't pose this way when wearing this shit.
So it's safe to say that Dov Charney's bank account is bigger than his dick, but it would appear as he thinks it's the other way around. And therein lies the problem. So yeah I won't be looking like a P.E. Teacher from 1976 in heat anytime soon and neither should you,
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