About eight years ago a bright young buck was going to show his graduating collection from The London College of Fashion and send shock waves through the media and style set by going against the grain. Well the collection didn't involve your typical male models or vainly thin women parading up in down in glad rags and splendour. No, they would show.... Bears or Chubs over 35. Knowing Julian for several years this young buck was a charmer and just a kool kid all way round. The press ate it up and the great white hope of style would prevail over the great white hype of Fashion. So seeing this reminded me of Julian's bold statement and well the typical male.

So the staple beer gut and a dude parading down the aisle holding a bucket of chicken was not shown nor implied, but just the clothes displayed. Surely in the industry standard of size 0 this is blasphemy. Or just a sharp left to a new way of thinking.

As I am akin to style i truly loath fashion and those whom seek out to have the must have whatever of the moment. If you think about Fashion, especially men's wear, you have to wonder just who the fuck would wear some of the stuff some people come up with. Most male models look gayer than gay on the runways, so to compare that to everyday attire on the street, your sure to raise a few eyebrows.

One designer has taken to again raise the bar not to mention waistline on Style. Belgium designer
Walter Van Beirendonck has taken lengths to show the standard male, to him and a small group of othesr at least. And if I may say. Poppa's got a new bag! Choosing to place twenty replicants of the men he liked or was attracted to, in doing so has created quit a stir. Unveiling Wonder Bear Spring/Summer 2010 showed bright colour and pastel themes in his men's collection. Smart move considering some designers tend to design for people. When they themselves look like corpse like Spanish ladies, in what can only be described as a Undertaker's uniform. (Karl Lagerfeild and his fucking fan) .

Some of the clothes Walter does are quite cool, and serve your basic function and utility. I did dig the boiler suits. and a few t's.. But those socks and shoes... and the poncho smocks? Um, I fear I may look like a special needs student whose lost his way home or a colour blind mong!. Anyways.. although some clothes may not be for everyone. Taken in seperates they actually look pretty good. but the show stopper the fur on parade! I tell my slut gene kicked in and went into overdrive.

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